Claim Tip Script ENV Config

This page contains a more advanced CLI version of the easier-to-use 'claim tips' section present in the Fetch Dashboard.


The public address of the account you're scanning tips for.


The private key of the same account above.


Fetch Flex subgraph URL for the environment you're scanning tips for.


AutoPay subgraph URL for the environment you're scanning tips for.


Auto Pay contract address for the environment you're scanning tips for.


RPC URL for mainnet or testnet, according to the environment you're scanning.


Time out for the tip listener. Can leave as is.

BUFFER_TIME=43200 # 12 hours in seconds

Buffer time to call the 'claim' function. Leave as is, as 12h is the minimum you need to wait to actually claim an available tip.

REPORT_TIMESTAMP_TIMEOUT=2419200 # 4 weeks in seconds

You can change this or leave as is, just keep in mind that you have to claim your tips within three months.

If this variable is met, it won't try to submit the 'claim' function when the threshold is set.

If the parameters to claim a tip are not met anyway, you'll just get a revert from the contract.

Last updated