Telliot ENV Config
Details for each ENV config available in Telliot.
If you installed Telliot using the install script, you just need to change the .env inside the disputable-values-monitor folder.
If you just installed telliot-feeds and and telliot-core separately, these variables must be edited in their respective folders.
Telliot-core env variables
Look for these in telliot-core folder too, if you installed it as a standalone.
Sets what environment DVM and your reporter is going to monitor.
Example: ENV_NAME=testnet
Determines which network the DVM and reporter will connect to: mainnet (369) or testnet (943).
Example: NETWORK_ID=943
RPC url for the testnet chain. Just use the RPC used in PulseChain testnet. Example: PULSE_TESTNET_RPC_URL=""
Same as above, but for the PulseChain mainnet. Example: PULSE_MAINNET_RPC_URL=""
This is a secondary RPC. In case the first one stops working, it will try to fall back to this one so that the DVM can continue to work. Example: PULSE_MAINNET_RPC_FAILOVER_URL=""
Telliot-feeds env variables
True or False.
Creates the "telliot_feeds.log" file' in the current working directory with the logs of telliot-feeds during price retrieval.
If set to ‘true’, Telliot will not output data in the console, only log them in the file. To see the output in real time, set it to ‘false’ (but it won’t save the log to an external file automatically).
This creates the "telliot_feeds.log" file in the current working directory with the logs of telliot-feeds during price retrieval.
If set to ‘true’, Telliot will not output data in the console, only log them in the file.
To see the output in real time, set it to ‘false’ (which won’t save the log to an external file automatically).
Comma-separated list of liquidity pools currency symbols to be used as sources for the price retrieval. It should follow the currency order of the pools of the next variable PLS_ADDR_SOURCES=
Example: PLS_CURRENCY_SOURCES="usdt,usdc,dai"
The above means that the order of the pools are USDT, USDC, and DAI, respectively.
Following the currency order in the previous variable, we have the addresses of the liquidity pools for the price retrieval.
Example: PLS_ADDR_SOURCES="0x322df7921f28f1146cdf62afdac0d6bc0ab80711,0x6753560538eca67617a9ce605178f788be7e524e,0xe56043671df55de5cdf8459710433c10324de0ae"
Above we have the USDT/PLS, USDC/PLSand PLS/DAI pools in mainnet, respectively.
Comma-separated list of liquidity pools pairs. The pairs need to follow the order of the pools in the previous variable and their assets order in their respective pools.
Above, they follow the pool’s orders in the other variables and their assets order in their pools on mainnet.
This is the Pulsechain RPC URL for the liquidity pool contracts configured in PLS_ADDR_SOURCES. Example: LP_PULSE_NETWORK_URL=""
This means it is checking the pool addresses in the mainnet pools, since the RPC here and the pools set before are from mainnet.
Note: this refers to the liquidity pool sources data. It can still report this to testnet without problems.
If you want to report using different sources, change the pools and related variables accordingly. If you want to use testnet sources, change the RPC and use pools from testnet.
If you want to use testnet sources, change the rpc and use pools from testnet.
This is the url of the coingecko price service to be used by Telliot-feeds. Setting up this variable will make Telliot-feeds use CoinGecko instead of the PulseX Liquidity Pools LWAP default source in the pls-usd-spot feed.
Leave this variable commented out if you are using regular PulseX pools (with a # sign before it, like this #COINGECKO_MOCK_URL). If you don’t, Telliot and/or the DVM won’t work.
This is the url of the subgraph to be used by Telliot-feeds to retrieve the "fetch-usd-spot" price feed.
Using this variable will set up "fetch-usd-spot" to use PulseXSupgraphSource instead of CoinGeckoSpotPriceSource.
It also requires the FETCH_ADDRESS
variable below to be set.
This is the token address to be used by the PulseXSubgraphSource Example:
Check the actual token address according to the environment you are reporting to.
If you comment out the PULSEX_SUBGRAPH_URL= var, the value you set here will be used as a mock to report a Fetch price for fetch-usd-spot query
This enables debugging mode for the PulsechainPulseXSource and logs the price retrieved from the liquidity pool contract.
This value can be true
or false.
Example: DEBUGGING_PRICE="False"
FetchRNG settings (beta)
Etherscan API key is required in order to report using the included experimental RNG query.
Set it to your API key from (you need a free account to get the API key).
Settings for interval based RNG feeds. Interval time with will be used to calculate the timestamp.
Start time syncs the interval reporter in order to sync with consuming smart contracts.
For RNG managed feeds, this is the name of the RNG feed.
Last updated