Installing DVM (managed feeds)

How to install, configue, and run a DVM


  • Some tPLS for paying gas fees. If you need tPLS, you can obtain some via the PulseChain Faucet.

  • A Linux distribution or macOS on your machine, as they are both Unix-based (Ubuntu 22.04 / 24.04 has been tested). Windows is not currently supported.

  • Running Telliot and a DVM is fairly lightweight and does not require significant computing power. A dual core machine with 16GB RAM should be enough to get started. It's also highly recommended to run this software on a fresh cloud server instance from AWS, Digital Ocean, or other providers.

Install Script

To install Fetch Reporter (Telliot) and the Disputable Values Monitor (DVM) on your computer simply run the following script and follow the on-screen instructions:

curl | bash && source ~/fetchoracle/disputable-values-monitor/venv/bin/activate && source ~/.nvm/

Once the installation script is complete, you can simply navigate to the disputable-values-monitor directory installed on your machine:

cd ~/fetchoracle/disputable-values-monitor/

For details on all available ENV config available in DVM, please review the Appendix.


To start the DVM in dispute mode, run the following command:

cli -d -a myacct1


By default, alerts are disabled.

To enable SMS, Slack, and email alerts, please review the Appendix. Simply update your .env file with the desired config and (re)start the DVM.

Alerts Only

To send alerts only (after updating the .env with correct credentials), start the DVM running:


The console will ask if you want to run alerts only. Type "y" and press enter.

The DVM will then monitor the queries you set in the disputer-config file and will NOT dispute them if they meet their thresholds. It will only send alerts according to your specification.

The console screen doesn't change until there's a new report submitted. After that, some calculations may appear and a table with detailed info on the report will take place.

Upgrade Script

Run the following to upgrade local installation of the DVM:

source ~/fetchoracle/disputable-values-monitor/venv/bin/activate
cd ~/fetchoracle/disputable-values-monitor
git pull
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e .
git submodule update --recursive
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ~

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